Photografia - The photography of Eduardo Mueses

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The Photographic Proof is Dead

Not everything you see here is real… | iPhone 14 Pro Max back triple camera 8.86mm ƒ/1.78 | © 2023 Eduardo Mueses, All rights Reserved

Remember in the movies, usually on the courtroom dramas, when the lawyer said: “Your Honor, we have irrefutable photographic proof of the crime committed…”?

With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its capability to generate artificial realities out of thin air, we can no longer say, we have Photographic Proof.

This technology is only going to get better and better and we are going to loose the ability to tell reality from imaginary.

Arthur C. Clarke once said: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

I believe we are reaching the edges of the magical realm.

With the lack of time, I can tell you that I only dabble in this and the results I am getting make my jaw drop almost every time.