I wish you stopped breathing…

Sunrise at the Home Depot parking lot - Orange CT | iPhone 13 Pro Max | ©️2022 Eduardo Mueses, All rights Reserved

Playing around with Boris FX Optics 2022….

A sleepless night. Tossing and turning all night. Nothing helped. Mindful meditation, listening to audiobooks, podcasts, and music.

I probably got two hours of sleep total. It’s going to be a fun Monday at work.

Can’t wait for that vacation. It can’t come soon enough.

This software is absolutely amazing. There are infinite possibilities. Playing around with it will give you hours upon hours of creative entertainment. You can go down a pretty deep rabbit hole once you start adding effects on top of effects with this wonderful library.

It’s an incredible and exciting time to be a photographer. With newer versions of On1 Photo RAW, DXO’s Nik Collection 5, and this newish version of Boris FX Optics 2022, there is very little you cannot do in terms of editing.

Some people frown upon expending too much time on the editing phase, I absolutely relish it.

Eduardo Mueses

Dominican Photographer, Graphic Artist, Tea/coffee/Whiskey Lover, Foodie? Exploring the limits of my photoreceptor cells...




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