Bear mascot with a camera

Meet the “Oso” | Generated with Midjourney AI | © 2023 Eduardo Mueses, All rights Reserved

When I was much younger than today, I used to sleep almost until noon.

I usually partied on the weekends and went to bed at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. I was not sleeping more than I had to, I was just sleeping until I had recovered from the previous night’s hangover.

Since I was waking up by lunchtime, my father used to say, “I was hibernating” and he called me “El Oso” (The Bear).

When I got married, my wife and I spent a few days at my parent’s home and she, then too woke up at around lunchtime.

When she got out of the bedroom, she was met casually by my father who, without missing a beat, gave her the moniker “La Osa” (The Female Bear).

I was playing around with Midjourney, creating some graphics and stickers when I came up with the brilliant idea of creating a mascot for myself.

And why not, I take pictures, and I am y father’s Bear…

My cute bear mascot with a beer, feeling left out | Generated with Midjourney AI | © 2023 Eduardo Mueses, All rights Reserved

Eduardo Mueses

Dominican Photographer, Graphic Artist, Tea/coffee/Whiskey Lover, Foodie? Exploring the limits of my photoreceptor cells...

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High Anxiety